Parents Testimonial

Below are testimonials from a few of our parents. You should be able to get an idea of the climate and culture of the school from these. You are welcome to contact them directly through our contact us page for any further information that you may require from a parent’s perspective

We recommend B M English School to all our friends and family. We are so happy with the progress my daughter has made so far at this school. The teachers are all welcoming and friendly and it genuinely feels like a family. Whenever there has been a small problem it has been dealt with straight away.

The school report was fabulous and not only told me how she was doing in class but also gave us information on how she gets on with peers which was a real insight. The staff is friendly and treat the children like their own. The teaching standard is high.

Thanks for all the help the school gives.

Mr. Haridas and Mrs. Vijayalekshmi

We are the proud parents of Sanjana and Sean.  We are part of the BMS family for the past 6 years and our kids are very happy to continue schooling till the tenth and may be twelfth if at all the school upgrades to class XII.

As the Tag line says “Passion for Excellence” – We have Dr. Rajesh who is a thorough professional and with his leadership/guidance, the faculties are really committed and passionate in their profession and in turn our kids are enriched/enlightened through their teachings in a simplified manner.

We love the concept of “NO SECTION & MAX STRENGTH OF 30 PER CLASS”.  Hence our kids can have a One on One (1:1) interaction with the faculties and we parents too have a very good rapport with the faculties, which we normally don’t find in many schools.

BMS focuses equally on Academics as well as Co- Scholastics, so there’s a proper balance in our kids’ growth. On the whole the “Go Green Concept, Eco Friendly & Secured Environment and The Ever-Loving Faculties” make BMS “Unique & Distinct” from other schools. Last but not the Least “WE LOVE BMS!!”

Mr. Diwakar and Mrs. Sunita

We feel extremely privileged to be a part of BM School community and believe that the school has already established a reputation for “Excellence”. The students’ life here is wholesome and fulfilled. It provides the students a judicious mix of education and enjoyment. The school recognizes that every child is born with unique gifts, thereby facilitating an inspiring environment. The school is committed to the holistic development of students by giving them variety of opportunities for personal growth and development. The Life Skill classes need special mention. The Green Club which initiates organic farming where each class is given a strip of land where the students cultivate vegetables and greens is also appreciable.

Next are their SUPW classes where they learn carpentry, stitching, glass painting, craft work etc. They also have a tool workshop where the students are exposed to learn all kinds of repairing and fixing works. Then are their sports activities like swimming, basketball, football, cricket, kabaddi, etc. They also provide Co- Curricular like dance, music, karate, instrumental and yoga.

As parents we feel that the school is a place where children from all backgrounds feel safe to be themselves and become avid learners and strive to make a difference in the lives of others. We are immensely grateful to the management who are always approachable and open to any queries from the side of the parents along with the teachers and students from the school to community.

Mr. Rigesh and Mrs. Reshma Rigesh

We are extremely delighted to share a few lines about BM School. This is our fifth year with B M School. Every year school gives us new dreams and hope for our children. Over the last years, we were able to identify some notable characteristics, such as,
• A child-friendly school, where a child gets easily connected with every aspect of school.
• An approachable School, weekly updating and reporting system make even parents also more comfortable with our child’s education.
• A connecting School where field trips, exhibitions and activities help the child to understand the world outside the classroom. This gives them real-time information of how the industry changes.
• A nature-loving school, it’s so fulfilling to see the commitment of the school towards nature, ecosystem and sustainability. The school also instills these values not only in students but also in their parents. We are proud to be associated with B M School.

Mr. and Mrs. Biju Mathew

I grew up in the knowledge and love of God, a gift my parents gave me from the day I was born. The same knowledge I pass on to my children and persist in the effort. My son got a good foundation in a nursery school and went on to receive primary education in a well-known school. He did well in studies and music during the four years of schooling there but was not satisfied in his pursuit of sports. That is what made us hunt for a different school and we were guided to by one of our friends whose son studied in B. M. English school. What is intriguing is that till date this school appears to be different every day. I’m not sure how my son will fare in his boards leave alone face the vagaries of life. But the school and more importantly the school Principal, is very confident that his pupils will fare well. This is the confidence, we as parents are perplexed about but there is some confidence we have been bestowed with in spite of this perplexity.

There are many a concept I found to be unique and trend setting like;
i. Lead the Change – students as well as parents are encouraged to share and incubate new innovative thoughts and ideas.
ii. Oota from your Thota – teaching children the art of gardening and the organic produce is used to prepare a mid-day-meal for the students as well as sold during a student – teacher participated garden sale.
iii. Students are involved in organizing all the events like Sports Day, Annual Day, Independence Day, Graduation Day, etc. This Student-Teacher collaboration has given the student a special confidence which will help them excel later in life.
iv. Creating Future Leaders – the school entrusts the students with the planning and designing of program schedules, certificates, event names, etc.,
v. Open House for Parents – parents are invited every year to an open discussion where they are encouraged to discuss the teaching process and suggest ways to improve student life while inviting suggestions on improvement in any field of school life.
vi. Parents are invited to share their experiences of the school during the PTA meetings thereby bridging the parent – teacher gap
vii. Parents are also invited to collaborate with the school and share with the students the various aspects leading to their career path they pursue.

Mr. Haridas and Mrs. Vijayalekshmi

Testimonial Video